That’s it, you have chosen to opt for dental implants. Your health, your comfort and the beautiful appearance of your teeth were at the heart of your decision. Just like durability and reliability.

Stage 1 after dental implant placement: precautions for 24-72 hours

In the week after the operation, certain manifestations are to be expected. So, within 24-72 hours after having dental implants, you may have swelling in the operated area and a little pain. It is also possible to have some bleeding or even bruises, commonly called bruises. These manifestations are normal and should not cause you any problems if you follow these few recommendations.

What to do in case of swelling and pain: use cold on the area that has been operated. It is possible, for example, to apply cooling blocks ( ice pack ) to the cheek , surrounded by a tissue so as not to freeze the skin. Also, use any pain medication that the dentist has prescribed for you. Finally, sleep with your head slightly elevated.

Avoid: heat in the operated area, exposure to heat, sleep with your head flat and aspirin.

What to do in case of bleeding: in order not to bleed too much, it is suggested not to spit, but to swallow saliva. This minimizes the impact on the wound. If a little more significant bleeding occurs, it is possible to stop it by using two compresses. They are placed in the bleeding spot by biting them strongly and held in place for several minutes.

To avoid: sucking movements with the mouth and touching the wound.

In addition, to avoid infection, the dentist will have taken care to prescribe antibiotics. All the chances of success will be on your side.

Stage 2 after installation of dental implants: a soft diet

In order to facilitate the healing of the operated area, it is important to eat well and to do so at the beginning, favoring soft, crushed foods. These precautions are primarily intended to limit the pressure on newly installed dental implants, while providing you with the nutrients necessary for your health.

Weeks 1 and 2: favor lukewarm, soft foods that come in puree form, without lumps, to avoid chewing. Besides not putting pressure on sensitive areas, it will prevent pain and bleeding.

Stage 3 after dental implants have been placed: tender foods

The 3 to 8 weeks following the procedure may include foods that are a little firmer, but very tender. We suggest mashing well-cooked foods with a fork, such as pasta, eggs, stews. You will now be able to eat hot, as healing will not be affected.

Stage 4 after dental implants have been placed: light chewing

Two months after placing the dental implants, you can start to chew lightly. Already, you can choose foods that are a little firmer without being harsh.

Stage 5 after dental implants: eat everything in comfort

Finally, from the third month, your diet can return to normal. You will no longer have to comply with any constraints. You will be able to enjoy solid, reliable teeth that are perfectly suited to your body type!

Dental implants represent the most efficient solution today for reliable chewing, improved oral health and a smile adapted to your body type. Denturist Isabelle Gaudette offers you a free assessment meeting to determine with you what could best suit you. Take advantage now!